You give me Your sheild of victory, and your right hand sustains me; You stoop down to make me great. Psalm 18:35
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Time to Set Some GOALS...
I have to start out by saying that I have never been too great at sticking with things. Sad, I know. There are goals I have reached like getting through college, living on my own, teaching little kids--and I am very proud of myself for reaching those goals. But there are so many more goals I have for myself that I haven't even come close to reaching, or in some cases, haven't even attempted to reach them.
For a while now, I have been feeling pretty unhappy with myself. I feel like I have lost who I am in a sense. There are several things that need to change in my life that will be for my own good (and for the good of my sweet hubby who somehow puts up with me). There are a lot of things that are hindering me from "living my best life" so to say, and I am pretty tired of living that way. I know at this point in my life, I am not living up to the life that I know Christ has planned for me.
My very wise and Godly sister-in-law, Christy, did something she called "A New Me in 60," where she set goals and really sought after what God wanted for her. This has inspired me to set some goals of my own--on the road to a new, refreshed, joyous ME!
So, because I am not so good at sticking to things, I need my sweet friends to keep me accountable, and that is why I am sharing my goals with you. I need your encouragement and prayers! Here is my list (which I am sure will grow...)...
**Spend at least 30 minutes a day with Jesus in prayer, meditation, and Bible study**
Sadly, this is challenging for me. I pray everyday. I read my Bible everyday. BUT half the time my mind is in a million different places. I need to learn the art of meditating and focusing what the Lord is trying to show me. Learning how to "Be still..." will be hard for me.
**Worry Less...**
This will be the hardest goal of all. I have always struggled with worry. I have decided that I am going to create a "Worry Box" where I write down what I am worrying about, pray about it, stick it in the box, and don't look at it until long after I wrote it. Sort of a visual to what the Lord wants us to do with our worries and our burdens. I think it will be cool to look back through my box in, say, a year, and see how God has been faithful.
**Work out 3 times a week**
I am the absolute worst at working out. David and me have talked about how important it is that we work out to keep our bodies healthy. It is important for us to begin taking care of ourselves now so that years down the road, our bodies will be healthier. Also, working out is good for our mental health...aka stress...which I need less of!
**Be a more LOVING wife**
Sometimes I feel like I am slacking big time when it comes to being a Godly wife. I love my husband more than anything on this planet, but I am not always so good at showing him that in my actions and words. I often let the stresses of my life rule me and my emotions, and that ends up negatively affecting my husband. I am a LONG way from the woman described in Proverbs 31.
That's all for now. Thank you ahead of time for your prayers and encouragement. I will keep you posted on how this journey goes!
Be blessed!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Mother's Day...
I know it has been an eternity since I last posted. I honestly haven't been too inspired to write lately--until today! Thank goodness...I needed some inspiration!
Today is Mother's Day.
I will start out by saying that I have been TRULY BLESSED to have such an amazing person to be my mom! My mom is such an awesome example of what a great, Godly mother looks like. I have always had a pretty unique relationship with my mother. She is my mom, yes, but she is also one of my best friends. I have the best of both worlds. The thing I have always admired about my mom is that she has always been my "mother" first and foremost. Sometimes growing up, this may not have made me the happiest--especially at times when I didn't get what I wanted. But now I admire her so much for sticking to what she believed was best for my well being, even when I couldn't see it! As the years have passed, my mom has still been my "mother" but has also become so much more than that! She is the person who has listened to me cry when my heart was breaking, and she is the person who was there for the most exciting, joyous times of my life. She has taught me SO much about life. I owe so much to her. I couldn't have asked God for a more amazing woman to be my mom!
Today, at church, a girl sang a song dedicated to her mother. I was surged by emotion and thought I was going to sob my eyes out. I couldn't keep my tears in. They were tears of gratitude for what my mom has done for me...they were tears of sadness because I couldn't be with her on Mother's day...but they were also tears of excitement.
Tears of excitement...may seem weird. But as I sat there listening to the song, I thought about how amazing it will be to be a mother! Anyone who knows me well will probably know that I could honestly care less about a career or bringing in lots of money. I want to be a wife and a mom. I have always dreamed about it. Half of my dream has come true. I am blessed to be the wife of my favorite person on the planet. I look so forward to the day when I can become a mom!
Before that day comes, I still have a lot of growing I need to do. I have a lot of learning I need to do. What a huge responsibility mother's have-but what a blessing! I am so blessed to know so many Godly women who are amazing Godly mothers and wives who I can learn from and seek advice from.
To all you mothers out there-- Happy Mother's Day! May God bless you as you raise your family!
Be blessed!
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