Wednesday, November 18, 2009


It's November, which means that one of my favorite holidays is coming up...Thanksgiving! I have always loved Thanksgiving--the smells of all of the yummy food, the Macy's Thanksgiving parade, and my Daddy's amazing fried turkey covered in my Mom's cranberry sauce made from scratch. I love having a day that is devoted to focusing on what we are thankful for. I love having a day devoted to spending time with people you love (and stuffing your faces!). I wish everyday were like Thanksgiving day. How great would it be if every single day we focused only on what we were thankful for? So often, it is so much easier to focus on the things we don't have or the things that are making us unhappy. I am guilty of this on more days than not. The other day I was out running errands when I saw a homeless man on the side of the road. He was old, and you could tell that he had led a hard life. He looked like he had lost all hope. At that moment--I felt so convicted for all of the complaining I had been doing. I am so incredibly blessed. If nothing else, I am blessed because I am a child of God--who gave His son for me. Take the time to focus on the things you are thankful for. I am so thankful for an amazing husband, amazing family, and amazing friends. I am thankful that I have a job that brings in money to support me and David. I am thankful that I just found out that I am going to be an aunt (AGAIN!). I am thankful that my best friend just got engaged to a great man that I know will take care of her. So many things to be thankful for...I could write a book. As the old hymn says, " Count your blessings, name them one by one...count your blessings, see what God has done..." Be blessed, friends. Jenn

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