Sunday, August 9, 2009

A Few Thoughts...

Well, if any of you know me, you know that I recently got married to the most amazing man in the world and moved to a brand new town. I am currently looking for a job, but haven't quite found one yet. Since my husband is a full time student, this leaves me with a lot of time on my hands--which leads to a lot of thinking. I know that all of my thoughts aren't great epiphanies, but I thought I would start a blog to share what goes on in my crazy brain. If anything, maybe someone will get a good laugh : ) Today's thoughts are a bit on the more serious side, I guess. I just ordered Francis Chan's book Crazy Love to read during all of my "free time." Why not do something productive? I began reading the Preface last night while my husband was studying. There was one line that struck a chord in my heart. It said this: "We need to stop giving people excuses not to believe in God."--- Francis Chan I thought this statement was simple, but brilliant. You know, as Christians we are called to live HOLY lives, not only because it betters our relationships with our Father, but because we are the ones who are called to represent Christ to others. People watch. And they listen. I am the first to admit that I mess up a lot. Thank God for His mercy. But I am challenged to really watch what I say or do, not only for myself, but for others. The thought that something I may do could turn someone off to Christ would devastate me. There is a reason that we are called to live like Christ. If we do, people will see that God is a God of love and mercy and grace. And that would be hard to resist. My challenge to you and to myself is that we love hard, pray hard, and fight hard to win hearts for Jesus. Paul says in Acts 10, "Do not cause anyone to stumble...For I am not seeking my own good, but the good of many so that they may be saved. Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ." --Jenn

1 comment:

  1. I'm pumped that you're a blogger now! Now we can blog-stalk one another when we're bad about calling :) yay!

    Also, thanks for the good thoughts. I've been hearing a lot about Francis Chan and that book. Maybe I'll have to pick up a copy soon! I'm also looking forward to getting a laugh out of the blog too ;)
