Thursday, August 27, 2009

Listen. And Follow.

I know I just posted yesterday--but this just can't wait. Last night I had somewhat of a spiritual breakthough--well actually it was more of a spiritual awakening. It was already kind of late, and I laid down to go to sleep. As I always do, I was praying before I attempted to sleep. There were so many people that I needed and wanted to pray for--so many people on my heart. I began praying for someone in my life who is very lost and depressed--sick and confused. As I laid there, I felt incredibly burdened. I kept thinking about how this person had lost all hope and joy, and what that must feel like. Now the Lord wasn't literally speaking outloud to me, but His spirit was urging me to get up and write a note of encouragement to this person. I couldn't deny that God wanted me to do something because it was important. As I began to write this letter, emotion poured out of me. I couldn't contain my sadness for this person. I prayed that God would give me His words that would somehow affect this person's heart. The words began to flow from my pen to paper, and the tears flowed from my eyes. As I was writing, I was thinking that this wasn't the first time God had laid this person on my heart. It wasn't the first time that He urged me to do something to help this person. This was the first time I was actually doing something. This led me to think about how many times I have felt the Holy Spirit directing me to write someone a note or call up a friend who was hurting or even say a few words of encouragement to a stranger and I tried to IGNORE it! Laziness or fear or something else got in the way. My heart felt like it was literally breaking last night. God convicted me and broke me. My heart ached for people who were hurting and who were lost. I came to the realization that God wants to use me to reach other people--and so many times I have just ignored the HONOR of sharing who HE is with others. I was humbled last night and plan on making a lot of changes in my heart. My life is not about me at all--and I all too often make it that way. Needless to say, I was up most of the night thinking about so many things that God was revealing to me and thankfully I have an amazing husband who lended his ear to listen to how God was working on me. I encourage everyone to follow those urges or things that God lays on your heart to do. You never know how He will use even the smallest gesture to change someone's life. Be blessed- Jenn


  1. I've blogged about similar situations. It's a wonderful reminder to listen to the Holy Spirit when he prompts just never know what that note might do for that sweet friend of yours.

  2. Jenn, this is amazing. I catch myself hearing God direct me to write a note, or just say a kind word and feel tempted attempt to ignore it too. I'm always amazed at how much joy I find in doing his will though! :)
    I'm so excited to see God refining you and making you a better woman after His own heart.
    Love you!!
    K-Roe :)
