Wednesday, September 30, 2009


One of the things I love most in life is seeing God work! To look back and see God's hand. To see that He has been there the whole time orchestrating something amazing. I love seeing and hearing how God is working in the lives of others. There is no way that I could ever walk apart from God--no matter what I have been through or what I have done, He is the one who will always be there. I love it when God shows up and totally rocks your world. I feel like for the last few months I was really struggling because I had no idea what God was up to with my life. I felt like I was having one of those "in the valley" experiences where I didn't necessarily "feel" God. I knew He was there and I knew that He was working, but I wanted to have answers. I told myself not to lose hope, because I know that my God isn't going to lead me anywhere that I can't handle. I spent a lot of time praying for answers concerning a job, hardships in my family, my emotions, and my marriage. I have always been taught that God always answers your prayers...sometimes you just have to wait. Eww...I hate that word..wait. I have never been good at that! Not too long ago, I wrote a post about "giving it all to God"...and I wrote how I finally TRULY gave my worries to the Lord. And then something amazing happened... God did not waste any time in blessing me. A few days after praying and giving my burdens to God, He blessed me with a job that really could not be any better! I will have great hours and will still be working with kids and planning lessons. The stuff I LOVE! Another great thing happened... I hope my mom doesn't mind if I share this, but she has been dealing with a lot of pain and anger and hurt because of several situations in her family. If anyone knows my mom, she is bubbly and happy a good portion of the time. She is probably my favorite person on the planet. She and my dad are the ones who truly taught me what love was. Anyways, it hurt me that she was hurting, and there wasn't anything I could do to take it away from her. So, I prayed that God would do it for me. My mom called me yesterday, and told me that for the first time in a long time she was so excited about what God was doing. She said that He was taking away that pain, and filling her with joy again. He was teaching her, and she was being open to being taught. I was so excited--and amazed at God once again! We are all blessed everyday. If we look for God in our everyday lives, we will see Him. Remember to keep hoping in the Lord, and keep praying. He hears you! Be Blessed! Jenn

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